Sunday, August 5, 2012


The visit of St. Jerome Emiliani’s first class relic finally comte to it’s end last July 30, 2012. The ending is but an exciting one, a fun, a party. A time for the school to give thanks to it’s one and only patron saint. A celebration somewhat the same as a Despidida Party.

The celebraton or shall I say “Sacred Party” started with a holy mass presided by the most Rev. Fr. Arturu N. Bastes, Bishop of Diocese of Sorsogon as the main celebrant along woth the somascan Fathers, Fr. BobSabayton CRS, school chaplain of ACI and Fr. Romel Ermita, school director as a co-celebrants. The mass was highlighted by Fr. Bastes’ homily which stresses the importance of faith of God andlove to our neighbors rather than valuing wealth and any othermaterial things. This was completely lived by St. Jerome. And Aemilians did listen and feel this very message.

The mass was immediately followed by the second part of the party.  A program prepared by the ACI Faculty and staff and students both from hihscool and college was held. Several manifestations of talents were on air, such as
Teatro Emiliani portraying St. Jeromes’ life, IDC (Intensity Dance Crew) showing their dancing aptitudes, and lastly is the intermission number from St. Miani’s adapted sons and daughters. From Casa Miani and Jardin de Maria. The number seemed to deliver a sensation of gratitude for providing them, the abandoned, and environment that they have now. Also, Fr. Rommel gave such inspirin message.
Lastly , the party would not be called a party without EATING. There was a large buffet served at the gym that welcomed lots of eaters and visitors. The food seemed to say “Comefill your stomachs, eat all you can.”

Everyone was so happy not because of the food or any other but rahter, because a Saint happen to visit them and gave them the best Despidida party the could ever attemd. Goodluck St. Jerome! Have a safetrip. J

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